Tag Archives: lonely

What We Need To Hear

21 Nov

There comes a point in everyone’s life where we have to own up to the fact that we aren’t ok. It is something that approaches all of us at some point. It can hit at any age, no matter if you are young or older. Sometimes you are lucky enough to see it creeping up and sometimes it just hits you in the face like a ton of bricks.
When it hits though, we all respond. We seek comfort and rest. We look for that something that will take care of it. We will search for as long as it takes because we tend to try to avoid feeling uncomfortable. We try to avoid being real and saying it out loud. Why would we? What would people think if we didn’t have it all together?
Solutions come in many forms. You wake up and realize that you are lonely so you go and seek a companion. You seek a best friend to be right by your side. You seek someone to call and talk about your day with. You lack the care and concern of consequences when you hunt like this with a passion. You will take whatever walks in front of you if it means you aren’t alone anymore.

Maybe you have a fear of people leaving. You can’t put yourself into a relationship or friendship because it is useless. You know that everyone leaves and that it wouldn’t be worth the heartache. You just want to find someone who will tell you that it is ok to close your eyes because they will still be there when you wake up. You want someone to tell you that they have no intention of leaving or that they will be there at any minute when you call them.

Maybe you terrorize yourself with low self-esteem seeking words that remind you that you are beautiful…. The catch is that you don’t believe them and half the people that tell you that you are will never fully be a part of your life. The truth is that you are beautiful, probably more than you know. The fact that beauty on the inside is important is all we can cling to sometimes.

Maybe you just need to hear that you are doing something right… You go through your everyday thinking that you have messed up. You are convinced that you break everything and will probably always ruin everything good. In all honesty, you probably won’t even let yourself see the good because of fear. Your own fear will eat you alive and spit you out. It will take you and make unaware of the great things you have or are yet to do. You have to conquer your fears first.

No matter the situation or the life problems that you will face or have to endure, you will be ok. You will continue on your journey and always search for words that you need to hear. It is just human nature. No matter of you find comfort in the words on the side of a coffee cup, in a fortune cookie or in someone that is just there at the right time.